1. Incubator Calculator — ArkUtils — Tools for ARK: Survival Evolved
The Incubator Calculator lets you calculate the raw stats from level points in the ARK Incubator but it also lets you calculate the level points when you ...
The Incubator Calculator lets you calculate the raw stats from level points in the ARK Incubator but it also lets you calculate the level points when you only have raw stats without the need of a modded spyglass.

2. Creature stats calculation - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki - Fandom
This page explains how the value of the stats of creatures is calculated. Each species has 6 variables for each stat that affect the final stat-value: ...
This page explains how the value of the stats of creatures is calculated. Each species has 6 variables for each stat that affect the final stat-value: Base-value: B increase per wild-level as % of B: Iw increase per domesticated level as % of Vpt (value post-tamed): Id additive taming-bonus: Ta multiplicative taming-bonus: Tm taming effectiveness: TE (when tamed) imprinting bonus: IB (when bred) In 256.0 a new multiplier, the TamedBaseHealthMultiplier (TBHM) was introduced, that lowers the healt

3. Ark Tame Value Calculator - culcraft.com
This calculator will help you while taming in ARK. When an animal is unconscious check the stats, enter them here and click calculate.
4. ARK: Survival Evolved Dino Stats Calculator
May 6, 2017 · With this Dino Stats calculator, you'll be able to check how the stat points of a wild dino have been distributed. With breeding being a new ...
With this Dino Stats calculator, you’ll be able to check how the stat points of a wild dino have been distributed. With breeding being a new functionality in the ARK: Survival Evolved game, it is useful to keep a look on wild dinos with high stats. These natural high stat dinos can then be used to breed. If you manage to breed two parents with different max stats, for example damage and health, you might end up with a baby dinosaur that has both health and damage maxed! Furthermore, it can also be convenient to know the wild dino’s stats when on a normal taming trip. ARead More →
5. Creature stats calculation - ARK Official Community Wiki
Jan 26, 2024 · This page explains how the value of the stats of creatures is calculated. Each species has 6 variables for each stat that affect the final ...
This page explains how the value of the stats of creatures is calculated. Each species has 6 variables for each stat that affect the final stat-value: B: base-value Iw: increase per wild-level as % of B Id: increase per domesticated level as % of Vpt (value post-tamed, see Explanation of the parts) Ta...
6. Is my stat good? — ArkUtils — Tools for ARK: Survival Evolved
This tool will tell you if the stats on your tame in ARK: Survival Evolved are bad, average or extremely good. You will also see how likely it is to get a ...
This tool will tell you if the stats on your tame in ARK: Survival Evolved are bad, average or extremely good. You will also see how likely it is to get a better stat.

7. Which Stat calculator to trust ? - General Discussion - ARK News
Jun 30, 2021 · So i have this shadowmane and both the wiki and dododex said it is 44 melee but when i switch to Smart breeder it is only 35 points .
So i have this shadowmane and both the wiki and dododex said it is 44 melee but when i switch to Smart breeder it is only 35 points . Other stats are identical on both app . I am just a newcomer to the breeding business , can anyone explain why there is such a huge different and which app to trust ?

8. Stat calculator for tamed dinos | Voters | Dododex - Canny
One thing that i do in ark is mutation stacks and you want good stats on the creatures so this would make it much easier to know how many points are in a stat.
Dododex only calculates pre-tame stats. There should be a feature to calculate post-tame stats.
9. NEW Breeding Calculator! - General Discussion - ARK News
Dec 28, 2018 · One random day after playing Ark for about a year and breeding almost every day, I was pondering why there wasn't already an easier more ...
One random day after playing Ark for about a year and breeding almost every day, I was pondering why there wasn't already an easier more friendly tool to help me out. That is when I decided to build ArkWorld. It will be a portal full of useful, no fluff and always free tools to help Ark players g...

10. MathBro's Hyper Stat Optimizer
Hyper Stat Calculator. This tool is designed to optimize your hyper stats against end-game bosses. Step 1. Enter Your Stats. Click for details. Choose File.
11. X-Paraceratherium Taming Guide | ARK: Survival Ascended
See how much health, stamina, oxygen, food, weight, melee damage, speed or torpidity a X-Paraceratherium has with this dino stats calculator. Stat, Base (Level ...
Learn to tame a X-Paraceratherium with tips on feeding, breeding, and more.
12. ARK Player Stat Calculator
Oct 25, 2015 · ARK Player Stat Calculator. Use this ARK: Survival Evolved Player Stat calculator to distribute your stats wisely. Fill in the level up to which ...
Use this ARK: Survival Evolved Player Stat calculator to distribute your stats wisely. Fill in the level up to which you want to check and any additional multipliers your server might have and you’re set. Click on the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons to increase the stats and see where it will bring you. In case you find it tedious to click a stat 40 times, you can also make use of the ‘+5’ and ‘-5’ buttons to add/remove 5 stat points at once!Read More →
13. ARK Dino Stats Calculator - SixaraTM Gaming and Media
ARK Dino Stats Calculator ... With this Dino Stats calculator, you'll be able to check how the stat points of a wild dino have been distributed. With breeding ...
With this Dino Stats calculator, you’ll be able to check how the stat points of a wild dino have been distributed. With breeding being a new functionality in the ARK: Survival Evolved game, it is useful to keep a look on wild dinos with high stats. These natural high stat dinos can then be used t...