Membership card pricing for the 2023-24 season
will be the same as the previous 2022-23 season. No changes.


The secretary has many important responsibilities, which are outlined fully in the USBC Playing Rules. Below are just some of highlighted duties for membership, averages and awards. Note: In leagues using computer and/or average service, the elected secretary still remains responsible for all the duties specified in USBC Rule 102e. League officer duties and responsibilities are listed at the bottom of this page.


The league application form must be submitted within 30 days from the start of the league. Make sure the President signs the form and fill out the bonding amount if you want your league to be covered.

  1. Click here to certify your league ONLINE – we will issue the certification #
  2. LEAGUE CERTIFICATION FORM(pdf) – This form must be completed before the start of each new league (winter and summer) – we will issue the certification #
  3. Use the NCR form provided in your winter or summer league kit. Send us the completed form with your membership cards.




Membership cards are due within 30 days from the start of the league or when the person joins the league – Subs included! We need membership cards filled out completely (especially birthdates and USBC ID #) so that we can build the league in our system – even if they already have a card that they received through another league. Not only is this a transactional record, it also captures any address, phone or email changes as well. Please don’t hold on to the cards waiting for stragglers – it might cost someone a 300 or 800 award.

  • Include Membership card applications and applicable fees (ONE league secretary or bowling center check only per submission) for all league members with the league application form.
  • Have the bowlers carefully complete their home address with apartment number if applicable, birthdates, USBC membership ID (if it does not already appear on the card) and e-mail address.
  • Check the application cards as they are returned to you. It is easier to find errors and have them corrected rather than to submit incomplete information, which could cause a delay in the member receiving their card.
  • Subsequent membership card applications must be filled out as they join INCLUDING ALL SUBS!
  • If bowlers indicate paid in another league on the membership card, ask to see their card or look them up on BOWL.com. If they are not showing as current on BOWL.com, they must pay for membership.
  • Complete the ADULT DUES WORKSHEETor YOUTH DUES WORKSHEET with each submission of cards. Be sure to separate cards as paid cards; Paid other league (POL) cards; Transfers, etc.
  • Rosters will be emailed to you with each payment transaction.
  • Please write the amount paid on the card, separate and sort your membership cards into the payment categories: paid cards, paid other league cards (POL), transfer cards, etc. when possible.
  • Our centers are close in proximity with Ventura County USBC, Citrus Belt USBC, Orange County USBC and San Gabriel Valley USBC, so please double check if the bowler needs a transfer card rather than a full card.

NOTE: Any team using a player who has not paid appropriate membership dues subjects the games in which the bowler participated to forfeiture.


Submit all award applications within 20 days of the accomplishment. Award presentations should take place before the entire league and as soon as possible after the feat is accomplished and the award is available. A long delay, such as waiting for the league’s season-ending banquet, can reduce bowlers’ excitement about earning awards and their appreciation of their membership benefits. It may also affect the inventory of awards at the bowling office.

We will continue to offer our NLAC USBC and SLAC USBC local awards until the inventory is depleted. Once an award is depleted, we will issue new awards with our new association name. Local award forms are enclosed in this packet and a new online submission form will be available soon. When submitting an honor award form for 300 or 800 series, please include a copy of the score printout.

*NEW* Submit local awards online. You can also upload any printouts with the online ordering as well.

To: Youth Directors and League Secretaries;

We have presented National High Game & Series awards to some very deserving youth bowlers in the last couple of years. I would like to see more apps sent to us to be processed. Please take the time to fill out the application and send them in. You never know – you might have some team that was the highest in nation and never turned in. The APPLICATION has 2, 3, 4 and 5 person teams for adult male, female, mixed and youth bowlers (Scratch scores only). Make a difference, look at what is offered and please take advantage of it. The bowler’s dues pay for these awards. Thank you for all you do!

Tom Leigh
Vice President


Furnish a list of individual averages to the local association manager within 15 days of the end of the league. The list must show the full names and ID numbers of all bowlers who competed in the league, the number of games bowled, total pinfall and average for each bowler. This is how averages upload to BOWL.com. Averages must include all roll-off, playoff and sweeper games unless league certification specifies that the last week of bowling is NOT certified.


Winter leagues (Start August 1 – March 14)
Summer leagues (Start March 15 – July 31)
Basic leagues (16 week or less duration; summer only; $12 membership – no local awards)

All leagues that EXTEND PAST OCTOBER 1 must re-certify with new certification starting in the new season. Bowlers for the league will have two averages, a summer average and a new winter average. Please follow the steps below:

  • Dates: Split the season in half, with the second half starting after August 1
  • Using 26 weeks as an example, the first half will be 13 weeks of summer and the second half will be 13 weeks in the new winter season. The league sheet can show the full 26 weeks at the end of the league. The certification split is on the backend for certification purposes only.
  • One the summer half is finished, the summer ending league sheet must be provided so that summer averages can be posted for bowl.com
  • A new winter roster will be provided for the second half of the league. All bowlers will need to purchase new membership at this point.
  • When the league ends and the final league ending averages are provided, the summer pinfall will be extracted from the total pins to determine the second half’s winter averages.
  • NOTE: To avoid this process, please make sure that all summer leagues end before October 1.


  • League Operations Handbook
  • League President/VP/Sergeant-at-Arms Duties and Responsibilities
  • League League Secretary Duties and Responsibilities
  • League Treasurer Duties and Responsibilities
  • League Team Captain Duties and Responsibilities
  • Youth League Official Duties and Responsibilities


What does USBC stand for in bowling? ›

The United States Bowling Congress officially launched Jan. 1, 2005, as the organization to serve adult and youth bowlers in the United States. Today, USBC serves approximately 1 million members. USBC is the national governing body of bowling as recognized by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC).

How do I find my USBC bowling average? ›

*The easiest way to verify your average is to use the Find a Member search on BOWL.com. You can search by name or member ID. Once you locate your record, you can pull up your averages from past seasons.

What is the USBC rule on a clean game? ›

While bowling in USBC competition, a bowling ball cannot:

Be cleaned with any liquid substance or cleaning agent. c. Have any foreign material on it including, but not limited to, powder, rosin, marker or paint. All bowling balls so altered or cleaned must be removed from the competition.

Why is 292 a rare score in bowling? ›

The only score the history of bowling that has never been bowled is a 292." "The most difficult bowling score to get is absolutely 292, which can only be scored with 11 consecutive strikes and then a two on the last ball ... With ten standing, two is absolutely the toughest pin count to get with one ball."

What are the 3 C's of bowling? ›

Focus on keying on the 3 C's of bowling Concentration, Consistency, and Confidence and you will be well on your way to becoming a better bowler.

What does ABC stand for in bowling? ›

The American Bowling Congress was founded in 1895, and the Women's International Bowling Congress got its start in 1916. Over the years, millions of bowlers have competed in leagues and tournaments sanctioned by those organizations.

Why is USB-C so good? ›

USB-C is just faster and more reliable too. It transmits more data and power across a broader range of devices than Lightning. Lightning could only transmit 480 Mbps, while USB-C can go to 40 Gbps — almost 85 times faster data transfer. Lightning could only carry a maximum of 20W, while USB-C can handle 240W.

How much does it cost to join the US bowling Congress? ›

USBC Adult membership (National) costs $15 and provides the following benefits: USBC Adult membership card.

Is 116 good in bowling? ›

A beginner bowler usually averages between 50-70 points in their first game while someone who is average can score between the range of 130-150. Those that are pretty good at bowling can get up to 200 points during their game. At this point you're starting to reach professional level bowling as well.

How many 800 series have been bowled? ›

» Of the 1,402 bowled, Alex Young (59), Jeff Lee (57) and Mike LaFave (50) have accounted for 166 of them, and bowlers on the top 20 list, including the three top shooters, have rolled 418 series of 800, nearly 30 percent.

How common is bowling a 300? ›

It is said that the odds of any adult male bowling a 300 game are 11,500 to one. The odds of a professional PBA bowler rolling a perfect game are 460 to 1.

What is rule 18 in bowling? ›

Rule 18 – Bowlers will no longer be allowed to use isopropyl alcohol to clean a bowling ball once competition has started.

What balls are banned at USBC Nationals? ›

Only USBC-approved bowling balls will be allowed and MUST have the manufacturer's name, product name and serial number clearly visible. The following bowling balls are prohibited for use. 900 Global Altered Reality, 900 Global Wolverine, Roto Grip UFO Alert, Storm Electrify Solid, Storm Phaze 4, Storm Trend 2.

What does the C mean in USB-C? ›

USB-C is a small, versatile connector for mobile and portable devices like laptops, tablets and smartphones. It transfers data at high speeds, transmits video signals and delivers power to charge devices' batteries. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. The C refers to the third type, following types A and B.

What does PBA stand for in bowling? ›

The Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) is the major sanctioning body for the sport of professional ten-pin bowling in the United States. Headquartered in Mechanicsville, Virginia, and currently owned by Bowlero Corporation since 2019, the PBA's membership consists of over 3,000 members worldwide.

What does C mean in bowling? ›

The 3 pin and 2 pin on the opposite side are left standing. It is scored as a "C" on our scoring system, however some scoring systems use the symbol "CO". Clean Game: A game bowled where there is a strike or spare in each frame.


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.